Tuesday, February 07, 2006

We started our shots today!

Well we started our shots today finally. We had Hepatitus A and B, one in each arm. I have to admit to being a little chicken because of that .00001 percent chance of an allergic reaction but it didn't happen. So now we take one more in a month and then the last 2 in 6 months which will be around August 7th. It was a bit on the expensive side. $240 for the three of us and then it will be a bit less in a month and then another $240 in August.
We still haven't heard of a log in date. Still waiting patiently. I know Bethany got a few referrals on January 4th and then none at the end of January so hopefully on the next batch of referrals we will get our LID.
I weighed in tonight and gained 2 pounds. Thats depressing. I know its either the Superbowl Party Sunday Night or the new vitamins that are making me gain. The leader said don't take the vitamins anymore so I'm not. goings on around here. Nothing really. We still need to get in Ariel's room and get things started. There are so many bags and things in there that need to be gone through. John also mentioned painting each of the walls a different color which would be cute and then using the stencils. We really need to get started now that basketball is over.
Purpose Camp's theme is going to be True Love Waits this year promoting virginity until marriage which I think is excellent! We just ordered John-Cole a very nice necklace. Here is a picture of the necklace,

I did see a ladybug today which makes sense since we started our shots.
We are getting there slowly but surely. I'm so ready to go!
Love you Princess!