Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dreams and Name Change

I didn't post about Ariel's name change and the two dreams that I had that led me to changing her name.

The first dream had to do with her name, Ariel. If anyone knows me they know that I love Walt Disney World. We try to go at least twice a year and I can't wait to take Ariel there. Well one night I dreamed that we were at Disney. Ariel was with us and about 2 years old. We were in a store shopping and there was an Ariel doll. I looked at my baby girl and said
"Who is that?"
She said in her little voice "Ariel!"
And I said, "Who is Ariel?"
She said "I am mommy!"
Well that sealed the name Ariel!

The second dream had more to do with the wait times. For any of you going through this process of adopting from China you know how horrible the wait times are now and that the predictions are even worse. What turned out to be a six month wait has turned into a possibly 14-18-24 month or longer wait. It's really frustrating to not have our daughter and to not really know when we will get her.

For those of you who read my blog and know me you will know that I love my Lord Jesus very much and that I pray to him often. Well with this wait we pray daily for the Lord to help us get through this. To protect Ariel until we can get to her and to give us a peace about this wait. Well one night I was just frustrated and when I talked to God I was frustrated. I just begged God to tell me how I was supposed to handle this wait. How I needed my baby girl and she needed me. Well that night I heard God's voice so clearly in my dreams.
He said,

It is by my GRACE that you will get your baby girl!

When I woke up I knew that our baby was to be Ariel-Grace. It was a clear as the sky that she was meant to have the name Grace. Because it is through HIS GRACE that we will have our daughter.

So the name Jadeyn is gone. I'm still thinking of whether to hypen her name or not. Our daughter will be Ariel Grace Barbara Kirksey. Or Ariel-Grace Barbara Kirksey. I personally like the hypen but don't know how many people will call her the entire Ariel-Grace and how many people will call her simply Ariel.

Humm I guess that's it for today. Nothing really new on the adoption front. The rumors are all over the place like always. Some say the wait is going to speed up, some say it will slow down even more so we have no idea. John did get a pension from Cox which will end up being close to $5,000 dollars. That's great and will go a long way with more expenses that are being incured because of the wait. We still have to have our last set of shots and we also have to redo our fingerprints. From that point on we may have to update our home study which would mean more physicals and more background checks and then possibly redo the I600 to get another 171. It really gets frustrating that China won't give us a straight answer on anything. If they would just come out and say the wait will be 20 months or whatever then we could prepare. With everything up in the air we have no idea. We just wait month to month to see what the CCAA says. At least we are in the review room. I so want to see January out of the review room. That will be one giant step!!!!

Oh, I wanted to tell a cute story I heard on one of the adoption groups so that I can put it in Ariel's lifebook later on. To think the wait is frustrating for us is one thing but thinking of little children who are waiting on their brother or sister is another. They are so confused. They know they are supposed to have a baby brother or sister but that brother or sister NEVER seems to get here.

So a mother said the doorbell rang and it was UPS with a package of something she had ordered off the internet. She said she brought it in, layed it on the table, opened it and looked at it, put it up and went back to doing what she was doing. Well her 4 year old was watching the entire time and she looked at him and he was just shaking his head. She said "What's wrong?" He looked at her and said,


I thought that was hillarious and so true of the way a child would think!

Anyway I do want to ask the Lord to watch over Ariel-Grace and to wrap her in his arms and love her and let her know that her mommy and daddy will be there as soon as we possibly can!

We love you our baby girl!!!!