Thursday, February 08, 2007

Adoption Update!

Adoption Update!

There really isn't much to add right now. Finally February and part of March are out of the review room. As of now the CCAA has sent referrals through October 13th. What does this mean for us? Well it depends, if they keep this rate of referrals I'm thinking maybe September or October. I'm truly hoping that it won't be longer than that.

We actually have an appt. this Friday to get our physicals redone. We also have to get everything else updated for an updated Home Study and then an updated 171. Hopefully after that we are in the home stretch!

I'm so ready to get our daughter home. I was just thinking, I was 33 when I started this blog and now I'm 35. We never knew we would be waiting this long but it will be worth every second when we finally hold our daughter in our arms!!

If your reading this, please pray for us and Ariel-Grace. I know God kisses and hugs her for us and I know He has OUR daughter waiting on us which is why we are still waiting. We have to wait until our daughter, that God means for us to have is ready to come home!

So that's it for now!!!! Hopefully I'll update again soon with more! I can't wait to update with pictures of our daughter!