Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Did it myself and FOUND A LADYBUG!!!!

Well to save the lady at the Clinic I decided to type the letter up myself and I had John fax it to her. Now all she has to do is make a copy onto the Clinic's Letterhead, have Dr. Montesi sign it, have it notarized (which is there in the Clinic) and thats it. I decided to wait until AFTER dinner time, after picking John-Cole up from school to go and get it. So hopefully that will be enough time.

On a WONDERFUL NOTE! I was cooking supper, looked up and there is a ladybug crawling across the stove. I picked her up and took her outside. For those of you unfamiliar with Chinese Adoptions, ladybugs are said to be and bring good luck. I needed that ladybug today! I think God sent her to me as a sign that its going to be okay!!

Now I'm going to pick out some pictures from our trip out West and from Disney and make up new paper then get the ORIGINAL DOSSIER in the mail to Grand Rapids!
I'm so excited to be at this point in the process. I can't wait to bring Ariel home!!!!!!!