Thursday, December 15, 2005

Its Gone! Prayers that its right and will be DTC soon!

Well its gone! We mailed our Original Dossier yesterday, on daddy's Birthday, how appropriate I think. I'm praying that the authentication that they need to do in Grand Rapids will happen quickly and we will get a note that its gone to China soon!!

Just wanted to say a bit about how much I miss my daddy. Yesterday he would have been 66, wow hes been gone over 5 years. I had the greatest daddy in the world. He was so funny and silly. I miss that so much. He always loved Christmas because he was such a big kid himself. I can remember him playing with John-Cole's new toys until John-Cole would get mad. He would have adored Ariel. I know hes looking down from Heaven on us and hes watching our for us and praying for Ariel as well. I love you daddy, I love you and miss you so much and wish I could give you a great big hug!!!! I wish you could see how much John-Cole is like you. Hes just like you! He acts like you, talks like you and has your personality. He even looks like you. You would be so crazy about him!! Love you daddy!

Humm well I guess thats it. Lord please look down on us and help with the quick expadite of all this paperwork. Please look down on Ariel in China and wrap her in your arms. Please let her know that we are on our way as soon as we can and God keep her safe until we can get there to get her. Thank you God so much for being the awesome God that you are!